What is staticcheck?
Staticcheck is a Go linter that checks your Go code for bugs and performance issues. It is a powerful tool that can help you find issues in your code before they become problematic. Staticcheck is one of the default linters in the golangci-lint tool.
Run staticcheck on your Go project
In this example, we will enable staticcheck via the golangci-lint
tool in a large Go project. The golangci-lint
is a lint runner that runs many linters in parallel. It is a great tool to use in your CI/CD pipeline to catch issues
Install golangci-lint
To install the golangci-lint
tool, you can use one of the options in
golangci-lint install documentation. We install it using the following
go install github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.61.0
Although the documentation does not recommend this way of installing from source, we use it to ensure that our version
of golangci-lint
is compiled using the same Go version as our project. We previously encountered issues with
compiled with a different Go version.
Check the version of golangci-lint
golangci-lint --version
Sample output:
golangci-lint has version v1.61.0 built with go1.23.1 from (unknown, modified: ?, mod sum: "h1:VvbOLaRVWmyxCnUIMTbf1kDsaJbTzH20FAMXTAlQGu8=") on (unknown)
Run golangci-lint with staticcheck
You can run staticcheck
using the golangci-lint
tool. In the root of your Go project, run the following command:
golangci-lint run --disable-all --enable staticcheck
This command turns off all default linters and enables only the staticcheck
linter. You can view the complete list of
run options with:
golangci-lint run --help
For our project, we add a few more flags to the golangci-lint run
golangci-lint run --disable-all --enable staticcheck --timeout 10m --max-same-issues 0 --max-issues-per-linter 0 --exclude-dirs ./node_modules
Analyze and fix staticcheck issues
SA1019 - Using a deprecated function, variable, constant or field
After running the linter, the first thing we notice is a considerable number of SA1019 fails flagging deprecations, such as:
cmd/osquery-perf/agent.go:2574:2: SA1019: rand.Seed has been deprecated since Go 1.20 and an alternative has been available since Go 1.0: As of Go 1.20 there is no reason to call Seed with a random value. Programs that call Seed with a known value to get a specific sequence of results should use New(NewSource(seed)) to obtain a local random generator. (staticcheck)
server/service/appconfig.go:970:5: SA1019: customSettings[i].Labels is deprecated: the Labels field is now deprecated, it is superseded by LabelsIncludeAll, so any value set via this field will be transferred to LabelsIncludeAll. (staticcheck)
customSettings[i].Labels = nil
The first fail flags a Go library depreciation issue. Although we could fix it, we are not worried because of Go’s commitment to backward compatibility.
The second SA1019
deprecation fail flags an internal depreciation within our app. However, we must maintain many
deprecated functions within our app for backward compatibility until they can be removed with the next major release.
So, many of these failures cannot be fixed. We could waive each one, but that would be a lot of busy work.
Enabling SA1019
as a default staticcheck
rule is a mistake. We suspect many potential users of staticcheck
will be
turned off by the sheer number of these fails and will simply turn off staticcheck
in their projects.
We decide to suppress them for now by creating a custom configuration file:
checks: ["all", "-ST1000", "-ST1003", "-ST1016", "-ST1020", "-ST1021", "-ST1022", "-SA1019"]
We use the default staticcheck checks and turn off
the SA1019
We then run golangci-lint
with the custom configuration file:
golangci-lint run --disable-all --enable staticcheck --config staticcheck.yml
SA1032 - Wrong order of arguments to errors.Is
After rerunning the linter, we saw a SA1032
server/datastore/mysql/vpp.go:1090:6: SA1032: arguments have the wrong order (staticcheck)
if errors.Is(sql.ErrNoRows, err) {
This failure is a good catch and a potential bug. We fix it by swapping the arguments:
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
SA4005 - Field assignment that will never be observed. Did you mean to use a pointer receiver?
Another fail we saw was SA4005
server/mail/users.go:44:2: SA4005: ineffective assignment to field PasswordResetMailer.CurrentYear (staticcheck)
r.CurrentYear = time.Now().Year()
The relevant Go code is:
r.CurrentYear = time.Now().Year()
t, err := server.GetTemplate("server/mail/templates/password_reset.html", "email_template")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var msg bytes.Buffer
if err = t.Execute(&msg, r); err != nil {
return nil, err
In this case, the CurrentYear
field was used in our template, but the linter could not detect it. We spent a few
minutes testing the template to ensure that the CurrentYear
field was being populated correctly. To waive this
failure, we add a comment:
r.CurrentYear = time.Now().Year() // nolint:staticcheck // SA4005 false positive for Go templates
SA4006 - A value assigned to a variable is never read before being overwritten. Forgotten error check or dead code?
We saw a lot of SA4006
fails in our codebase. It was the most common staticcheck
fail we encountered. Here is an
ee/fleetctl/updates_test.go:455:2: SA4006: this value of `repo` is never used (staticcheck)
repo, err = openRepo(tmpDir)
This is a bug or a potential bug. The developer assigned a value to repo
but never used it. We fix it by removing the
_, err = openRepo(tmpDir)
SA4009 - A function argument is overwritten before its first use
Another fail we saw was SA4009
. Here is an example:
orbit/pkg/installer/installer.go:288:37: SA4009: argument ctx is overwritten before first use (staticcheck)
func (r *Runner) runInstallerScript(ctx context.Context, scriptContents string, installerPath string, fileName string) (string, int, error) {
This is another bug or potential bug. A function argument is passed in but then immediately overwritten and never used. This issue could be challenging to fix because it requires specific code knowledge.
Other fails
We found a few other fails that were not as critical as the ones mentioned above. We fixed them as we went along. See the video below for more details.
Overall impressions
Overall, we like the staticcheck
linter. It found many bugs or potential bugs and provided a lot of value.
We did have to ignore the SA1019
check and encountered an SA4005
false positive.
We will enable it in our CI/CD pipeline and continue to use it in our project.
Further reading
- See how to use linting to improve Go code complexity.
- Recently, we wrote about finding performance issues with OpenTelemetry and Jaeger in your Go project.
- We also wrote about optimizing the performance of your Go code.
- We also published an article on Go modules and packages.
Example code on GitHub
Fleet repo we used when enabling staticcheck (as of this writing)
Watch us enable staticcheck in our Go project
Note: If you want to comment on this article, please do so on the YouTube video.